I went to the cashier at the Big Lots store, and he was shaking a pair of watches at his ear. He said to me, "either they're broken or they need new batteries. You want to buy a watch for five cents?" I chuckled, thinking he was being funny, and proceeded to check out. I asked him then, "You're not serious, are you? He assured me he was. The only catch was, at that price, I couldn't return them. So I said I'd take them both. He conferred with the manager; it was all honest and above board and straight faced. Even if it turns out the watches are kaput, they'll be nice to look at for a while.
Bookshelf (mine), Asian studies section. Feasts for the eyes and mind (mine).
Unboxing today and found my two BABYSAN books by Bill Hume. The strip appeared in armed forces newspapers in the 1950s, during the American occupation. "Babysan" is like a juvenile Miss Lace, setting the servicemens' hearts afire. Though it's very well drawn (as were many of these military comics), the panel is notorious for its patronizing attitude today. (Several gags concentrate on Babysan's use of 'falsies'.)

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