Sunday, October 4, 2020


Years ago, when I declared there was nothing to draw in the outside world, an artist advised me to just draw the same old locations again and again and I'd learn from it.


I used to dislike life drawing. I'd like to do it now, since I am more aware than ever. It's backwards, but being young is when I wanted to stretch out drawing pure fancy. I couldn't handle anything more. 

I love drawing shrubbery.



 I realize these sketches are probably beginning to look alike, but I'm enjoying it immensely. I do them until the Sharpies run out and throw the pens away in the park.




nodnarB said...

I really like these. You can feel the love of drawing in them. They make me itchy, like I'm itching to draw!

Milton Knight said...

Thank You, nodnarB!