Saturday, May 9, 2020


As far as inking is concerned, I feel more akin with Asian painting than the American standards.


I remember what happened when I had cable. I'd keep watching a show to see how much more awful it could possibly get.

Sorry to be unsympathetic, but I can't get paying money and tolerating 6 minute long commercial breaks. Entertainment today is the world's hugest ripoff, and people just go with it, gladly handing over their bucks so a minority of people can live like royalty.

Even in the 80s I knew TV was a white noise to be had on while you did things about the house. With their constant, constant reminders of the network you've got on. They set a lifestyle to never change the dial from.

In the 80s, a bumper sticker read "HOLLYWOOD THINKS YOU'RE AN IDIOT."  

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